Google is a big source to get traffic for bloggers, because without Google it is really impossible to become a next level blogger or you may we also called professional blogger, so I was searching on Google, about problems facing bloggers, so I found the problem as above written on the title i.e. "How to Make Your Blog Searchable in Google", I did not found that any one has written a actually guide for this particular problem.
Actually there are billions of people using internet every day, so the problem can be same, but the question can be different, why I am saying this because people generally search on Google or any search engines for this problem,how to submit a blog to search engines, search engines means Google, Yahoo, Bing etc right!
There are huge benefit of submitting your blog to search engines, because search engines can drive organic traffic to your blog, which is some times we called raw traffic and which is really good for the health of any blog.
Probably you are thinking, where is the solution for the problem, Problem is here "How to Make Your Blog Searchable in Google", so I am going to share with the solution, probably you are waiting for this, right!
So, are you ready?
Lets go then,
First of all go to- (If your blog have sub domain name like blogspot or wordpress or any other, then submit your blog to this URL to make your blog searchable in Google)
But let me tell frankly, if your blog is on platform then I have to say, you don't need to submit your blog, there because is a product of Google, so as I have created many blogs but it's automatically become searchable in Google, I agree sometimes it takes time to searchable in Google, when many peoples are creating blog on the same topic, I mean about same blog name, it that case it takes time, but to make it easy for search engine crawlers for index your blog posts, you can submit your blog to the above given link, there is nothing to loose, and it's free, then why you should not use this feature provided by search engine giant Google.
Hey wait, I am going to give a access to submit your blog to Google, for both means if your blog having sub domain like blogspot or wordpress or top level domain name like .com, .org, .net.
Here is the link for you-
Hopefully, these two URL will help you to make your blog searchable in Google.
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